Jumat, 19 Juni 2015

The Examples of Relative Clauses

  • The example in complex sentence

- The fairy tales is interesting
  The fairy tales that she has read is interesting

  • The examples with relative pronoun

- Whom
The man whom you saw last night is my dad

- That
It is the bag that I have dreamed for many years ago

Jakarta is a city where my brother was born

- Which
Gangga, which is very faithful, is my dog

- Whose
The man, whose house is big, works as a teacher

- Who
He is the man who works hard for his family

reference : http://www.wordsmile.com/pengertian-rumus-contoh-kalimat-adjective-clause

Healthy Diet During Fasting

Despite being fast, but nutrition for the body remains the same, remains to be fulfilled. What is different is the schedule for the fasting meal, arranged as follows: dawn, breaking meal, full meal (after magrib), and snacks (after the tarawih prayer).

As for the distribution of food portions dawn while fasting is 40 percent, 50 percent iftar and after tarawih 10 percent.

Composition 40 percent of food when the meal is divided into a large meal as much as 30 percent, 10 percent small dining (before imsak), and drinking water 3 cups. Composition 60 percent when breaking, is divided into appetizers after the adzan, the food after magrib, and after tarawih 10 percent, as well as drinking water 5 cups.

Here is the kind of food that is recommended for those who are fasting:

Complete composition of carbohydrates, can be selected rice or bread or potatoes or rice noodles. Animal protein from fish / chicken / egg / meat. Or vegetable proteins such as tofu or other soy foods. Fats from vegetable oils. Vegetables and fruit. 1 cup milk. 3 cups water.

Breaking the fast
Starting with a sweet food in order to quickly replace the blood sugar level has dropped. Should correspond to body temperature (warmer). Which can be presented, for example, dates, fruit cocktail, and sweet tea. Remember, limit the use of sugar. Except fruit sugar derived from fruits.

Full meal
Fill carbohydrates, protein, fat (can of vegetable oil), vegetables and fruits. Inadequate drinking water to supplement the amount of 1.5 to 2 liters per day.

Eaten after tarawih and tailored to the needs of the body. Which can be eaten, for example, milk, fruit, or solid foods. Remember, do not be too excessive. Because, can be dangerous as well if your blood sugar is too soaring.

According to dr. Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, during the fasting month of Ramadan, you should not drink sweet tea or something sweet. This is due to the intake of sweet drinks will be at risk of hunger quickly and hypoglycemia, lower blood sugar quickly.

reference : http://kabarimbo.com/pola-makan-sehat-selama-puasa-ramadhan/


Exercise 37 Relative Clauses
1. The last record which produced by this company became a gold record.
2. Checking accounts that require a minimum balance are very common now.
3. The professor
 whose you spoke yesterday is not here today.
4. John
 whose grades are the highest in the school, has received a scholarship.
5. Felipe bought a camera
 that has three lenses.
6. Frank are
 who were nominated for the office of treasurer.
7. The doctor is with a patient
 whose leg was broken in an accident.
8. Jane is the women
 who going to China next years.
9. Janet wants a typewriter
 whose self-corrects.
10. This book
 that I found the book last week, contains some useful information.
11. Mr. Bryant
 whose team has lost the game, looks very sad.
12. James wrote an article
 whose indicated that he disliked the president.
13. The director of the program
 whose graduated from Harvard University, is planning to retire next year.
14. This is the look
 that I have been looking for this book all years.
15. William
 whose brother is a lawyer, wants to become a judge.

Exercise 38 Relative Clauses Reduction
1. Who was
2. That was
3. That are
4. Who was
5. Who is
6. Who is
7. Who is
8. That is
9. Who have been
10. Who is

Exercise 39 Subjunctive
1. Leave
2. Call
3. Correct
4. Suspend
5. Take
6. Correcct
7. That
8. Attend
9. Correct
10. Find