Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

opinion about english

1) What is your opinion about english ?

English is the language that is interesting to learn. English first encountered when I was a kindergarten. At that time I was introduced by my parents through the songs ofWestlife. At which time, Westlife are one of the vocal group enjoy doing a lot of people.

Then, since elementary school I also had to get English language lessons from school. In elementary school I get a lot of vocabulary items in English. And while high school, I also learned about making sentences and conversations. I also get extra lessons outside ofschool to take English language courses.

I can learn English from other media, in addition to the book. That is, from movies andmusic. I love watching movies and listening to music that speaks English. In addition tomy hobby to watch and listen to music, I can also take the benefits. That can add to our knowledge about English vocabulary.

I am happy to learn English. Because by learning English, I can get one extra language I can use. I think that learning English is very important. Because English is an international language that can add a plus when we plunge into the world of work.

2) According to your opinion, what is the best way to learn English effectively

In my opinion, the best way to learn English is a teacher to make students comfortable and at ease in the classroom. by conducting games, debates or other activities related to English. Teachers can also use other teaching methods in addition to the board. By using other methods such as, explained through a film show English education.

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