Selasa, 14 April 2015


Exercise 26: Adjectives And Adverbs
Page 107
1. Well
2. Intense
3. Brightly
4. Fluent
5. Fluently
6. Smooth
7. Accurately
8. Bitter
9. Soon
10. Fast

Exercise 27 : Linking (Copulative) Verbs
Page 109
1. Terrible
2. Well
3. Good
4. Calm
5. Sick
6. Quickly
7. Diligently
8. Vehemently
9. Relaxed
10. Noisy

Exercise 28 : Comparisons
Page 114
1. As Soon
2. More Important
3. As Well
4. More Expensive
5. As Hot
6. More Talented
7. More Colorful
8. Happier
9. Worse
10. Faster

Exercise 29 : Comparisons
Page 114
1. Than
2. Than
3. From
4. Than
5. As
6. Than
7. As
8. Than
9. Than
10. Than

Exercise 30 : Comparisons
Page 117-118
1. Best
2. Happiest
3. Faster
4. Creamiest
5. More Colorful
6. Better
7. Good
8. More Awkwardly
9. Least
10. Prettiest

2 komentar:

  1. Sangat bermanfaat infonya, saya juga pernah belajar kursus bahasa inggris di KAMPUNG INGGRIS PARE. Metode yang diajarkan disana sangat luar biasa.

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